Your Safety is Our Priority
We are committing to do whatever we can to keep you and your family safe during Covid-19
Infection control has always been a top priority in our practice. We follow recommendations and guidelines made by the ADA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We have updated our office protocol with any new guidelines from those organizations in the future. Our office is equipped with proper PPE, equipment, and protocol that will allow for the highest level of safety for all our patients and staff.
We are taking many steps to keep you safe. Below is a list of the additional safety measures and equipment for our office and individual operatories, as well as new requirements of patients at James Street Dental:
No use of waiting room. All magazines/toys/tv remote removed
Hand sanitizer available in each room of office
Plexiglass barrier at front desk
Individual operatory rooms with doors and windows (outfitted with reversible air window fans)
Novaerus plasma hospital grade air filtration system in each operatory and reception/sterilization area
Operatories equipped with Isolite, Isodry, and HVE suction systems for aerosol producing procedures
Increased time between patients to allow for complete cleaning/disinfection of operatory
Increased cleaning protocols of office/washroom with disinfection of high-touch (door handles/faucets) items after each use
Routine monitoring of sterilizer for proper sterilization of instruments
COVID-19 screening questionnaire
Any patient that has COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days of scheduled appt date, has been in contact with a COVID-19 positive family member, or has tested positive for COVID-19 themselves, will be rescheduled until receiving a negative test result.
Please call (630-232-9535) or text (630-709-5506) office upon arrival for appt.
Please wait in car until you receive a call for screening questions and notice that room is ready
Temperature will be taken upon entering the building. Any temperature 100.4*F and above will be rescheduled and referred to primary care physician
Please ask family members/drivers to wait in car and not inside the office. For patients who need a guardian to accompany them, we ask that this be limited to a single family member
Masks are required inside the office building. Please bring your own mask. If you do Not have one, we will give you one to use
Pre-rinse will be given (Peroxyl) prior to procedures
NOTE: If you are over the age of 65 and/or have pre-existing health conditions that may bring higher risk for severe COVID-19 symptoms, we will be happy to reschedule your appointment if you would be more comfortable. We also will try and accommodate off-schedule days/times with the dentist upon request.